Best SEO Company In Ahmedabad – HP Sangha

Ahmedabad is not as well known internationally as some of India’s other big cities. Nonetheless, it is the 6th largest city in India, one of the fastest-growing cities in all of Asia, and an economic powerhouse with an estimated GDP of more than $120 billion.

A large portion of Ahmedabad’s growth can be attributed directly to its thriving IT sector, and that includes several search engine optimization (SEO) companies led by HP Sangha.

As with any industry, however, the SEO business is rife with pretenders desperate to grab a slice of the SEO pie and willing to employ all empty promises and underhanded techniques.

So how does the honest business owner find an SEO service in Ahmedabad that is on the up and up?

Tips to Choose SEO Company in Ahmedabad: The Importance of Google

Before we go any further let’s lay out the case for hiring an SEO company from Ahmedabad in the first place. Because if you don’t understand how crucial it is you may not be selective enough when it comes to choosing one to help your website. The case for SEO boils down to one word: Google.

Google has become such a monopolistic presence in the Internet search business that the only way you can ignore it and thrive is if you come to the Internet with an already well-established real-world reputation and lots of built-in followers. Short of that, you will need Google’s help to get the word out about your product or service.

But there are other search engines aren’t there? Why do I need to focus so much on Google? The answer to the first question is: Yes. There are several others including Yahoo, Bing, and the Chinese search engine Baidu. While the answer to the second question is best expressed in this list of global search engine market share:

  • Google – 92.3%
  • Bing -3%
  • Yahoo – 2.2%
  • Baidu – 1%
  • All others – 1.5%

Any more questions?

So when it comes to finding an SEO agency in Ahmedabad that will provide you the results you need to move your business forward that company must:

  • Have a comprehensive knowledge of Google’s search algorithm.
  • Know how best to position your site to take advantage of Google’s algorithm.
  • Understand the implications of Google’s recent shift toward mobile search.
  • Do not do anything on your site that will displease Google just to get short-term term results.

That last point speaks to the tendency of less scrupulous SEO companies to employ “black hat” tricks that will provide you with a short-term search engine boost without requiring much work on their part.

If your SEO company has done this on your site, Google will eventually catch it, and your website will be banished to the darkest corners of the Internet never to be seen by anyone.

SEO Company in Ahmedabad

Wear Your Scepticism on Your Sleeve

At HP Sangha we understand that the job of the SEO professional comes down to knowing how Google works and then deploying that knowledge in a way that benefits your website without using tricks that Big G frowns upon.

When looking for an SEO company those are the qualities you should be looking for. If, on the other hand, you find yourself being seduced by either of the following lines of thought you could be in trouble.

  • Thought 1: “They’ve got a sharp-looking website. They must be good.” – If only it were so. A sharp-looking website does not indicate anything other than the web designer’s skill. But you’re not looking for a web designer. You’re looking for SEO services that will deliver you to the promised land of page 1 search results.
  • Thought 2: “They’ve got a fancy office. They must know what they’re doing.” – Well, maybe. Then again maybe they’re just burning through their start-up money trying to give the impression of success and will be out of business in a year or two. While appearances are important, they can also deceive. So don’t make your decision based only on a trendy open-plan office space.

HP Sangha: Setting the Bar

At HP Sangha our clients recommend us to their business associates again and again because we deliver real, measurable results without ever endangering their standing with Google by using underhanded black hat tricks.

Our company operates on a set of principles that are simple and effective:

  1. Principle 1 – Provide what the client needs: Some clients need link removal. Others require PPC management while still others may need content marketing, an SEO audit, or any of a dozen other SEO-related services. Some SEO companies in Ahmedabad try to fleece you by selling you things you don’t need. We believe the best way to ensure the long-term viability of our company is to provide you with precisely what you need. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  2. Principle 2 – Encourage comparison: We’re confident that when you compare HP Sangha to other SEO companies, you’ll understand that we’re a cut above, so we encourage you to shop around. While you’re interviewing those other companies we suggest you ask the following questions:
  3. Why should I choose your company? – Any professional SEO firm should have a clear, concise answer to this question that lays out in no uncertain terms why you should consider hiring them. If their answer is unclear or rambling, you should thank them for their time and move on.
  4. Will you be optimizing my site for mobile? – Google announced last year that they would henceforth be giving preference to websites they call “mobile friendly”. This is because searches originating from mobile platforms now outnumber those coming from PCs and laptops. If the company doesn’t have a mobile strategy keep looking.
  5. Is optimizing my social media presence part of your strategy? – As with mobile any SEO campaign in 2018 that doesn’t take YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms into consideration is a waste of money.
  6. Can you provide references? – No references, no deal. It should be that simple. If they do provide references make sure you follow up.

Be sure to ask them any other questions that come to mind as well and then feel free to turn your attention to HP Sangha and ask our SEO experts the same questions and more.

  • Principle 3 – Be transparent and available: We understand that SEO is a complex topic that most business owners are unfamiliar with. They may have heard the term and may even have a general idea of what it’s about. But that’s not the same as understanding the nuances of the profession. As such we strive to keep our process transparent from day one, to keep you in the loop regarding all decisions, to explain anything that might be unclear to you, and to address any concerns you may have comprehensively. Our goal is to make sure you understand what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and why.
  • Principle 4 – Stay in touch: What good is a well-thought-out SEO campaign if the company that devised it disappears after you make the final payment? Not much. Because Google updates its algorithm regularly, because a new social media platform may come out of nowhere requiring tweaks to your strategy, and because a website whose content is static over a long period will sink in search results we stay in touch with everyone of our clients to make sure the progress they’ve enjoyed as a result of our efforts is not fleeting.
    The Company You Need

At HP Sangha Search Engine Optimization is more than our job, it’s our passion. We love what we do, and we do it better than any other SEO company in Ahmedabad.

Each of our SEO experts was chosen by us for their commitment to their work, the depth of their knowledge, their reputation for delivering results, and their willingness to constantly update their skillset to continually provide the best possible service for our clients.

We’re in this for the long haul and look forward to accompanying our clients on their march to success.

The future of your entire business may rely on the effectiveness of your SEO campaign. As such it’s essential that you choose a company with a proven track record of results; one that doesn’t hide behind shady tactics or outrageous promises and one that will stand with you as the Internet landscape continues to shift.